
Strategically located, Singapore consistently ranks as the world’s busiest port and the second-largest trading hub for food commodities. Despite being only half the size of London, much of its land is allocated to housing, industry, and transport infrastructure. Only 10 percent of its food supply is produced locally, necessitating imports from around the globe. When the pandemic struck, Singaporeans faced price shocks and import bans, exacerbated by prolonged heavy rains and floods in the region, resulting in decreased vegetable supplies. 

To mitigate the risks of further disruptions, Singapore has embarked on an ambitious journey to locally produce 30 percent of the nation’s nutritional needs by 2030. The government is fully committed to mobilizing both private and public entities to establish Singapore as a secure and sustainable agri-food tech hub. 

Notably, Singapore is home to several alternative protein manufacturing companies and is the world’s first regulatory authority to permit the sale of cultured meat. Within Asia, Singapore is emerging as the Agri-food Tech Capital, attracting increased investment from both the private and public sectors. Other Southeast Asian nations are closely observing Singapore's approach to resolving its food security challenges, with the intention of adopting best practices in their own economies. 


Business Sweden’s vision is to bridge the gap between the Nordics and Singapore, to bring cutting edge innovative solutions to the island nation. Therefore, this webinar aims provide you a breakdown on what is in store for you on this year’s trip to Singapore.  

Additionally, we will highlight the new changes for the delegation in 2024. Based on feedback, we have designed two distinct tracks to cater to diverse needs. The first track is tailored for businesses or research institutions seeking research collaboration, scientific partnerships, or assessing market fit in Singapore. The second track targets companies ready to secure seed funding or expand their product commercialization efforts in the region. 


  • About Business Sweden and the Swedish Agritech Scene (5mins) 
  • Singapore government stakeholder to share about Singapore (15mins) 
  • Business Sweden to share about the Delegation in November (15mins) 
  • Fireside chat: Previous attendees to share about their experience (10mins) 
  • Q&A (10mins) 

Language: English 

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